Hotel Moon Beach

Hotel Moon Beach

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    According to their website, they have an announcement from March 2020 that says in both Japanese & English: This is a request for all visitors with the Tatoos to a body 1) The large communal bath is not over the use 2) When use a beach Please wear the clothes such as T-shirts by all means. Thank you very much for your cooperation. Https:// / 03/15 /% e3% 82% bf% e3% 83% 88% e3% 82% a5% e3% 83% bc% e3% 80% 81% e5% 88% ba% e9% 9d% 92% e3% 81% ae% e9% 9c% b2% e5% 87% ba% e3% 81% ab% e9% 96% a2% e3% 81% 99% e3% 82% 8b% e3% 81% 8a% e9% a1% 98% e3% 81% 84 /

    0 Report! 2021/5/6

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