Katsuta Akatsukino no yu

Katsuta Akatsukino no yu

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  • 施設管理者です。ここの施設は入れ墨、タトゥーが入ってる方はお断りしております。なので間違って認識

    0 Report! 5/20 21:24
  • Entered

    If you hide it with a towel, you won't be kicked out. If someone you know was taking a shower with a tattoo morro, you would have been kicked out, so you need to consider yourself.

    0 Report! 2020/1/12
  • 2018/8/15 It used for returning to the seaside bath. I have bathing in two palm sizes. At the entrance there is a note of "drunken people, refusal of tattoos". I entered with a short-sleeved T-shirt and encountered the facility person in the washroom while bathing but nothing was told. It was cheap and comfortable. However, since it is a "tattoo refusal" facility to the last, please follow quietly and obediently when you are instructed to leave.

    2 Report! 2018/8/22
  • Entered

    2018/8/15 It used for returning to the seaside bath. I have palm-sized objects on my right arm and left back

    0 Report! 2018/8/22
  • I pushed it by mistake. I do not know

    0 Report! 2017/12/6

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InformantTattoo GO secretariat